Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Daphne and Tullulah-Edna

Daphne is the first chicken I ever got over 2 years ago she is well mannered, likes a cuddle and has been saved from the brink several times (she is the Medowsweet Ranger (red)). Stewart saved her from the jaws of the fox after he killed Gladys. I then nursed her back to health - then we had a stuck egg problem - that took her breath away and she has also had a virus where she just sat in the kitchen in a box of straw watching everything going on. She is very special to me - she is great at coming in to clear up the kids food mess under the kitchen table - and has even sat on my lap in the evening wrapped in a towel (to dry her) watching the football. I did catch her going upstairs to have a look around - but Stewart made a bit of a fuss about that! Tullulah-Edna is a grand lady - she has airs and graces - does not like to be cuddled and keeps the others in check. Both Daphne and Tullulah-Edna will do backflips for corn on the cob and macoronni cheese.

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